When To Apply: Apply in the early spring before temperatures are consistently above 70 degrees. (Mid February – Early April) Do not apply in areas where you plan to seed or have recently seeded as this product blocks germination of seed for up to four months.
Overview: Feed your lawn after winter and prevent crabgrass from growing. When used as directed you will receive up to 5 months of crabgrass control.
Rates: Apply product at a rate of 3.33 pounds per thousand square feet. Consult spreader instructions for calibration rates and settings. For best results apply when the grass is dry. Product does not need to be watered in, but a 1/4 to 1/2 inch of water will increase efficiency of product.
When To Apply: Apply 4 – 6 weeks after you apply Round 2 (Early April – Early June)
Overview: Tri-Force is a blend of two certified organic products found in the Branch Creek product line called Paleo & Nucleus Complete. These two products are designed to feed the soil
microbiology and plant in one application. Tri-Force also contains MicroTek, SynaTek's proprietary micronutrient package which contains plant essential ingredients such as Magnesium, Boron, Iron and Zinc.
Rates: Apply product at a rate of 3.33 pounds per thousand square feet. Consult spreader
instructions for calibration rates and settings
When To Apply: Apply in the early summer before temperatures are consistently above 80 degrees. (Early June – Mid August)
Overview: Provides broad-spectrum insecticide control on pests both above and below the surface. Get season-long control on grubs and surface feeding insects while also feeding your turf.
Rates: Apply product at a rate of 4 pounds per thousand square feet. Consult spreader instructions for calibration rates and settings. For best results apply when the grass is dry. Product does not need to be watered in, but a 1/4 to 1/2 inch of water will increase efficiency of product.
When To Apply: Apply 4 – 6 weeks after you apply Round 3. (Mid August – Early October)
Overview: Tri-Force is a blend of two certified organic products found in the Branch Creek product line called Paleo & Nucleus Complete. These two products are designed to feed the soil microbiology and plant in one application. Tri-Force also contains MicroTek, SynaTek's proprietary micronutrient package which contains plant essential ingredients such as Magnesium, Boron, Iron and Zinc.
Rates: Apply product at a rate of 3.33 pounds per thousand square feet. Consult spreader instructions for calibration rates and settings
Trimec Lawn Weed Killer
Trimec Weed Killer is a 3 way herbicide that controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds (230 listed weeds). Will not harm desirable grasses in your lawn.
Tzone Herbicide
Tzone contains 4 herbicides that control your tougher to kill weeds (below). Also provides suppression on yellow nutsedge. Will not harm desirable grasses in your lawn.