Branch Creek System

The gold standard for people, pets and the planet. All products meet the USDA standards for certified organic (the same standards met by the organic section at your grocery store) or are so safe, they don’t have to be registered as pesticides with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The complete Branch Creek System is designed for use in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Apply March 1st – April 15th

Weed Prevention With Lawn Food

Crabgrass pre-emergent with fertilizer derived from corn gluten.

Weed Prevention With Lawn Food when used as directed will provide between 65 and 75% control of crabgrass. A chemical crabgrass pre-emergent will provide 90% control. Factors such as excessive rain, mowing height and soil health will impact performance. Weed Prevention With Lawn Food will feed the turf for up to six weeks. For lawns with bare spots, Evolution Grass Seed is recommended to be used in combination with Weed Prevention With Lawn Food.

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Apply May 1st – 31st

Weed Prevention With Lawn Food

Crabgrass pre-emergent with fertilizer derived from corn gluten.

Weed Prevention With Lawn Food when used as directed will provide between 65 and 75% control of crabgrass. A chemical crabgrass pre-emergent will provide 90% control. Factors such as excessive rain, mowing height and soil health will impact performance. Weed Prevention With Lawn Food will feed the turf for up to six weeks. For lawns with bare spots, Evolution Grass Seed is recommended to be used in combination with Weed Prevention With Lawn Food.

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Weed Shield

Selective broadleaf herbicide that is odor free and contains 96% less active ingredients than other three-way herbicides.

Weed Free® is based upon micro-technology that enables the application to penetrate more efficiently into broadleaf weeds, resulting in significantly less active ingredient being required to kill weeds. Results are typically visible within 24 hours of application and Weed Free® will kill weeds down to the roots.

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Apply September 1st – October 15th

Tide Calcium

Calcified seaweed that balances soil pH as well as stimulates root development and soil biology while improving resistance to drought.

Tide Calcium’s unique formulation is four times more effective than other calcium and lime products in balancing soil pH and calcium uptake in the plant.

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Evolution Grass Seed

Grass seed blend thoughtfully designed specifically to be used in conjunction with a Branch Creek Lawn Care System.

Evolution is blended with Paleo Seed Starter to provide germination in 10 to 14 days without using high phosphorus starter fertilizers. Evolution incorporates a variety of seed varieties and species designed to work in unison to crowd out weeds that would germinate in the soil and on the surface. At least 75% of the seeds in Evolution meet the standard set by the Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turf (A-List) as requiring less fertilizer and water.

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